Schulz Lab

AASA 2021

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AASA 2021 - Advanced Algorithms for Sequence Analysis

General info

  • INFO: This lecture will be in-person starting 3.11.2021!
  • INFO: Depending on the interest the lecture will be held in German or English
  • INFO: Access to the lecture halls according to the 3G Corona rules.
  • Lecture: Will be held every Wednesday 9am-10.30am, Hörsaaltrakt Bockenheim - H 14. Starting from 3.11.2021
  • Exercise: biweekly starting from 9.11.2021 from 10.45-12 am at Hörsaaltrakt Bockenheim - H 14. .
  • You get 6 credit points
  • Oral exams at the beginning of semester break, re-exams at the end of the break (exact dates tbd)
  • Registration: Please register at the course mailing list if you are interested to join the course, additional information during the course will be announced over the list: register here
  • Successful participation in excercises/assignments required to be eligible to take the exam

Course overview

Sequence information is ubiquitous in many application domains. Handling the large amounts of sequence data produced by todays DNA sequencing machines is particularly challenging. This lecture addresses classic as well as recent advanced algorithms for the analysis of large sequence databases. Topics include: full text search without index, approximate pattern matching, index structures such as suffix trees and suffix arrays, Burrows-Wheeler transform and the FM index. These algorithms are introduced in the context of modern software packages routinely employed for analysis of large DNA sequencing datasets.

Course material

Course material will is available in the password protected area.


Learning material will be provided. We will mostly make use of the following books during the lecture which can be investigated in addition to the lecture slides provided:
  • Ohlebusch - Bioinformatics Algorithms (more details on the book are available here )
  • Navarro and Raffinot - Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings
  • Mäkinen, Belazzougui, Cunial, Tomescu - Genome-Scale Algorithm Design
  • Gusfield - Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences