Schulz Lab


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Open Positions

You are interested to work in our group? Great! Then have a look at the offers below. We are always looking for talented individuals with good programming skills and an interest in algorithms and machine learning in the context of the systems biology and genomics projects in our group. Join a highly motivated team with great working athmosphere at a prime location! Postdocs interested to work in the group directly contact Marcel Schulz with CV and list of references.

Open PositionsApplication deadline
Phd position 20.9.2024
Student assisstant 20.9.2024

Application procedure

We appreciate that you are interested to work with us. When you apply for a job please write an email to
with a CV, including a list of publications, and at least two references that can be contacted. We are generally interested in people with a quantitative background (Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Math) and are open to people who want to cross disciplines to increase their scientific skills.

Phd position in single cell Multi-omics method integration

We offer a Phd position for method development for integrative analysis methods targeted for analysis of single cell assays that are conducted with multiple assays simultaneously, for example RNA-seq and epigenome, spatial transcriptome data. The position should be filled as soon as possible.
Application deadline 20.09.2024 full details

Student assisstant position in AI in single cell data analysis

We offer a student assisstant position (Bachelor or Master) to help with large-scale single cell data integration. If you are interested to learn about cutting-edge data analysis and want to learn how AI is used for exciting problems. Join us! The position should be filled as soon as possible.
Application deadline 20.09.2024

Bachelor / Master thesis topics

We offer topics surrounding ongoing projects in the lab, which can serve as thesis for Bachelor/Master students topics. Get in contact with us if you are interested in joining us and we can schedule a meeting for discussion. Don't be afraid to ask!
Students from Bachelor or Master in Bioinformatics, Informatics, Statistics, Molecular Medicine and Biowissenschaften are eligible!

Currently available thesis topics
Machine Learning for detection of patterns of alternative polyadenylation in time series data
Large scale learning of epigenetic regulation from paired scRNA and scATAC data

Previously completed theses
A refined mapping algorithm for single cell DNA methylation dataBsc Bioinformatics 2020
An extended pipeline for analysis and validation of Split-ORFs Msc Bioinformatics 2021
Assessing the power of transcription factor motif enrichment analysis using ChIP-seq and epigenomic data Msc Bioinformatics 2021
Multi label classification methods for the prediction of lncRNA functions Msc Informatics 2021
A machine learning approach for enhancer-gene prediction from single cell ATAC and RNA data Msc Informatics 2022