EpiRegio |
EpiRegio is a resource of Regulatory EleMents (REMs), non-coding DNA regions that are predicted to regulate the expression of their target genes. It hosts 2.4 millions of such elements for the human genome and provides cell-type specific expression and activity parameters for each of the elements. It supports different searches and allows batch queries using a REST API. Here you can watch a short introduction to EpiRegio. |
FAME is a software for the alignment and direct quantification of CpG methylation values from whole genome bisulfite sequencing. Different to other established methods, it does not produce intermediate aligment files and uses new index structures to be fast. See the project page for more info. |
STITCHIT is a software for learning gene-specific regulatory elements from paired epigenomics and expression data. See the project page for more info. F Schmidt, A Marx, M Hebel,M Wegner, N Baumgarten, M Kaulich, J Göke, J Vreeken, MH Schulz Integrative analysis of epigenetics data identifies gene-specific regulatory elements, [preprint] |
ORNA is a read normalization (reduction) software. That allows to remove redudancy in large NGS datasets, with as little effect as possible on downstream assembly approaches. See the project page for more info. DA Durai, MH Schulz Improving in-silico normalization using read weights, Scientific Reports, 5133 (2019) full text DA Durai, MH Schulz In-silico read normalization with set multicover optimization, Bioinformatics, full text , presented at Recomb-seq 2017 |
TEPIC is a software package for integrative analysis of open-chromatin datasets for TF binding affinity prediction. It can be combined with gene annotation to provide gene-level estimates of TF regulation. See the project page for more info. F Schmidt , N Gasparoni, G Gasparoni, K Gianmoena, C Cadenas, JK Polansky, P Ebert, KJV Nordström, M Barann, A Sinha, S Fröhler, J Xiong, A Dehghani Amirabad, F Behjati Ardakani, B Hutter, G Zipprich, B Felder, E Jürgen Eils, B Brors, W Chen, JG Hengstler, A Hamann, T Lengauer, P Rosenstiel, J Walter, MH Schulz Combining transcription factor binding affinities with open-chromatin data for accurate gene expression prediction, Nucleic Acids Research, 29 November 2016, full text |
KREATION is meta-software that enables parameter selection for de novo transcriptome assemblers. It also has a missassembly filter that can be used to improve the quality of assemblies. See the project page for more info.
D Durai, MH Schulz |
DREM 2.0 |
DREM is a input/output HMM based method to reconstruct dynamic maps of TF regulation using expression time series data. The software is written in Java and has a rich user interface for network display and downstream analyses. See the project page for more info.
MH Schulz*, WE Devanny*, A Gitter, S Zhong, J Ernst and Z Bar-Joseph |
SEquencing Error CorrEction for RNA sequencing data (SEECER) is a read error correction method designed for non-uniform sequencing data sets, in particular RNA-seq. It clusters reads and reconstructs profile HMMs to correct indel and substitution errors with high sensitivity. See the project page for more info. H Le, MH Schulz*, BM MCcauley, V Hinman, and Z Bar-Joseph Probabilistic error correction for RNA sequencing Nucleic Acids Research [full text] |
Oases |
Oases is a de novo transcriptome assembler that exploits similarities between de Bruijn graphs and splicing graphs to reconstructs full length mRNAs from RNA-Seq data with high sensitivity and is one of the most widely used methods in its class. See the project page for more info.
MH Schulz*,DR Zerbino*, M Vingron and E Birney |
The Phenomizer is an online webservice for clinical diagnosis. The physician can can query the database to get predictions of the best matching disease for a set of observed phenotypes. Try it out here.
S Köhler, MH Schulz, P Krawitz, S Bauer, S Doelken,
CE Ott, C Mundlos, D Horn, S Mundlos and
PN Robinson
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Fiona is a genome read error correction method that corrects indel and substitution errors using several word lengths. It automatically adapts the parameters to the data and supports OpenMP parallelization. See the project page for more info.
MH Schulz^,* ,D Weese*, M Holtgrewe*, V Dimitrova,S Niu, K Reinert, H Richard^,*
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SplazerS is a split-read indel alignment method with high sensitivity that works for single and paired-end reads. See the project page for more info. AK Emde, MH Schulz, D Weese, R and Sun, M Vingron, VM Kalscheuer, SA Haas and K Reinert Detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single-and paired-end sequencing data using SplazerS Bioinformatics 28 (5): 656-663. [full text] |
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ALF is a toolbox of alignment-free sequence similarity measures, including a new measure, N2, that includes mismatches and the reverse complement of words. We have shown that N2 outperforms other common alignment-free measures in performance and runtime, it was desinged to accomodate inexact overlaps as in degenerate binding sites or reads with sequencing errors. See the project page for more info. J Göke, MH Schulz, J Lasserre and M Vingron Estimation of Pairwise Sequence Similarity of Mammalian Enhancers with Word Neighbourhood Counts Bioinformatics 28 (5): 656-663 [full text] |