Phd student
Office: Haus 26, 4th floor, Room 404
Goethe University and Uniklinikum Frankfurt
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
60590 Frankfurt am Main

About Me
I am a bioinformatician by education, IT engineer by training, researcher by day, social butterfly by night. My research interests include Statistical learning, Big data analysis, RNAi mechanisms, and Monoallelic gene expression.
Short CV
Kindly have a look at my LinkedIn for more details
- Since 10/2018 : PhD student in the Computational Epigenomics and Systems Cardiology group of Prof. Dr. Marcel Schulz
- 01/2017-09/2018: PhD student in the High-throughput Genomics & Systems Biology group of Dr. Marcel Schulz.
- 06/2015-09/2016: Research Assistant (Hiwi) jointly in Molecular Cell Dynamics group and High-throughput Genomics & Systems Biology group
- 09/2013-07/2014: Junior Research Fellow in the RNA Biology Group at CSIR - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.
- 08/2011-08/2013: Systems Engineer in TATA Consultancy Services, Chennai, India.
Academic Degrees
Thesis: Prediction of Monoallelic Gene Expression from Epigenetic Data
Supervisor: Dr. Marcel H. Schulz
Awards & Fellowships
- Poster Prize (3rd) at GDRE 2017: Conference on Paramecium [Epi]genome Organization, Dynamics and Evolution , Nohfelden, Germany, October 3-6, 2017.
- Summer Research Scholarship 2010 in the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Group at AstraZeneca India, Bengaluru, India.
*shared first authorship ^shared last authorship
[5] Baumgarten N*, Hecker D*, Karunanithi S*, Schmidt F, List M, Schulz MH^
EpiRegio: Analysis and retrieval of regulatory elements linkedto genes.,
Nucleic Acids Research (in press), full text
[4] Karunanithi S*, Oruganti V*, de Wijn R, Drews F, Cheaib M, Nordström K, M Simon^ , MH Schulz^.
Feeding exogenous dsRNA interferes with endogenous sRNA accumulation in Paramecium,
DNA Res (in press), full text
[3] Karunanithi S, Oruganti V, Marker S, Rodriguez-Viana AM, Drews F, Pirritano M, Nordström K, Simon M, Schulz MH
Exogenous RNAi mechanisms contribute to transcriptome adaptation by phased siRNA clusters in Paramecium,
Nucleic Acids Research full text
[2] Karunanithi S, Simon M, Schulz MH
Automated analysis of small RNA datasets with RAPID,
PeerJ, 7:e6710, full text
[1] Pirritano M*, Götz U*, Karunanithi S, Nordström K, Schulz MH, Simon M
Environmental temperature controls accumulation of transacting siRNAs involved in heterochromatin formation
Genes 2018, 9(2), 117 full text
Conference Talks
Sivarajan Karunanithi, Vidya Oruganti, Miriam Cheaib, Angela Rodrigues, Franziska Drews, Simone Marker, Karl Nordström, Martin Simon, and Marcel H. Schulz
Genome-wide small RNA profiling in Paramecium tetraurelia
2018 Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference, Washington, DC, USA, July 17-23, 2018. - Sivarajan Karunanithi, Vidya Oruganti, Raphael De Wijn, Miriam Cheaib, Simone Marker, Gilles Gasparoni, Martin Simon, and Marcel Schulz
Dynamic transcriptome adaptation by endogenous small RNA diversity in Paramecium tetraurelia
GDRE 2017: Conference on Paramecium [Epi]genome Organization, Dynamics and Evolution, Nohfelden, Germany, October 3-6, 2017.
Poster Presentations
- Sivarajan Karunanithi, Vidya Oruganti, Raphael De Wijn, Miriam Cheaib, Simone Marker, Gilles Gasparoni, Martin Simon, and Marcel Schulz
Genome-wide small RNA profiling in Paramecium tetraurelia
27th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 18th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2019, Basel, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2019. - Sivarajan Karunanithi, and Marcel Schulz
Cell type specific prediction of monoallelically expressed genes from human epigenomes
17th European Conference on Computational Biology, Athens, Greece, Sep 8-12, 2018. - Sivarajan Karunanithi, and Marcel Schulz
Genome wide prediction of monoallelic gene expression from human epigenetic data 22nd International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) 2018, Paris, France, April 21-24, 2018. - Sivarajan Karunanithi, Martin Simon, and Marcel Schulz
Automated analysis and comparison of multiple small RNA datasets with RAPID GDRE 2017: Conference on Paramecium [Epi]genome Organization, Dynamics and Evolution, Nohfelden, Germany, October 3-6, 2017. - Sivarajan Karunanithi, Martin Simon, and Marcel Schulz
Automated analysis and comparison of multiple small RNA datasets with RAPID Joint 25th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 16th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21-25, 2017.